Our Story

Cabinet Joint has been providing high-end RTA cabinets to online customers since 2007. Here’s why

At Cabinet Joint, our greatest pursuits are to empower, inspire, and connect

We empower remodeling enthusiasts to radically transform the rooms of their homes where they live, work, and play by equipping them with heirloom quality RTA cabinetry, cutting-edge design creativity, industry-leading expertise, and after-sale support. We provide the confidence and encouragement necessary to ensure our customers’ DIY projects consistently exceed their expectations.

Sounds great, right? So… why isn’t this the norm? The answer is simple (and a pun): framework.

Even in locations where remodeling is the happening thing to do, the traditional business model – waiting for people to walk through your door – started to stale a bit once the internet hit the scene. However, the takeover of the world wide web wasn’t necessarily better for cabinet sales: suddenly there was an abundance of many cheaply manufactured RTA cabinet options. There grew an even greater stigma against RTA cabinets, which were called “knockdown” cabinets, and many believed homeowners would not be able to assemble cabinets of quality by themselves (which is ironic, seeing as temps are able to put them together seamlessly in the shops of many cabinet companies!). There are lots of reasons an online custom RTA cabinetry company could not work. 

Team photo
The Cabinet Joint team

However, the cornerstone Cabinet Joint sits on isn’t just working– it’s serving others. Our founder Brian’s years of working experience in the cabinet industry brought all the know-how you would guess it would, but it also fueled his vision of a company whose mission went beyond an office. He called it God’s company, and he knit it together as a family, rather than employees, who serve others instead of just logging hours. Kindred spirits gifted with different specialties, uniting for the shared purpose of building people up, and a business model that would enable them to do so. Whether it looks like equipping individuals with the knowledge and encouragement to install the most finely-crafted RTA cabinets on the market, or bolstering individuals through some of the tougher hands life has dealt them through service of our Big Why, Cabinet Joint strives to shed light on people’s needs and to help build the Kingdom. 

We believe that your home should last to see the passing of generations if you should want it to. That your kitchen should endure helping hands pounding dough, that your office should be a sanctuary where you plan and budget and scheme for your wildest adventures. That you would never worry about hosting friends and family, but would seek out opportunities to share the gift of hospitality with them. That every morning as you brush your teeth, you would feel some joy standing in your carefully constructed bathroom and think, wow, you really did that.

If there’s one thing that we appreciate at Cabinet Joint, it’s building a strong foundation from which more good can be done. Just as a kitchen built-to-last can feed hungry mouths for years to come, our company endeavors to continuously improve so we may glorify God in all we do. With every home we enhance, every family we work with and come to know, each community we assist, every cause we support, Cabinet Joint aims to make an impact for His glory. To empower each of us to affect the change the world needs, to inspire actions from dreams, and to authentically connect.