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Customer Agreement
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Customer Information
General Approvals
Order Approvals
Shipping Approvals
General Signature
If you are on this page, it means you have been through the quoting process for your project and are ready to place an order. Let’s finish up!
Please read over each section of this agreement and check all required acknowledgments. Sign the last page and click ‘submit’ when done.
Note: If you do not agree with something you are reading, please do not continue! Instead, contact your Cabinet Coach and ask for clarification until you are completely satisfied that you have the information you need. At that point, you can return to this form to complete it entirely.
Please use the name that is on the Quote you are releasing for production as an order.
Shipping Address
Please verify the address you want your order shipped to. This is especially important if the shipping address is different than the one on your quote. NOTE: The address must be a physical address (no PO boxes) and freight orders must be able to accept large trucks.
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
ZIP / Postal Code
What phone number should the shipper use to arrange delivery?
Project Name
What is the Project Name near the top left of the Quote you are purchasing?
Who is your Cabinet Coach?
Andrew Hollander
James Inpyn
Seth Shaffer
Stephen McCoy
1. I understand that the product I am ordering is 100% built-to-order and not pulled from stock. There are no returns, refunds, or exchanges.
2. I understand that once my order is placed and is in production (generally within 24 hours), changes to my order may either require a change order fee or may be impossible.
3. I understand that the accuracy of my order is as much up to me as it is up to my Cabinet Coach. Because Cabinet Joint is not able to engineer my project for me based on geographic limitations, I realize that it is my responsibility to ensure the accuracy of this order. I have asked all necessary questions and fully understand my order.
4. I understand that the product ships in approximately 2-3 weeks.
5. I understand that this is a Ready To Assemble (RTA) product. I am responsible for local assembly and installation of my cabinets or have made necessary arrangements. I also understand that assembly, while not requiring special skills, will require a level of patience and an understanding of basic construction methods and hand tools.
6. Shipping damage, manufacturing errors, and missing items may occasionally occur. I understand that if cabinet assembly and installation take longer than expected, Cabinet Joint is not responsible for any fees or inconveniences caused by rescheduling subsequent subcontractors. In the event of damaged or defective products, I understand that it is Cabinet Joint’s policy to replace the damaged or defective products in a reasonable and timely manner. I understand that if I choose to forego replacement products, for whatever reason, I am waiving my right for Cabinet Joint to remediate the issue.
7. I understand that what I am purchasing needs to be stored in a dry, climate-controlled location until final assembly/installation can take place. I also understand that if damage occurs as a result of improper storage, it may void my warranty.
I agree to the General Terms & Conditions
1. I have reviewed the Cabinet Specifications on my quote document for accuracy.
2. If Cabinet Joint’s design department has provided a design packet that is the basis for my quote/order, I have read and understood my responsibilities per the disclaimer.
3. I understand that I am ultimately responsible to review and approve appliance openings and panels. I understand that Cabinet Joint has done its best to interpret my appliance manufacturer’s specifications and has sized my cabinets accordingly. I understand that appliance panels may not perfectly align with functioning cabinet door/drawer fronts as my appliances may require different clearances.
4. I understand that there are some items (such as assembly & installation screws) that I will need to provide in order to complete my cabinet assembly.
5. I realize the inherent inaccuracy of colors/images viewed online. I have either ordered samples and verified my finish selection
in person (recommended by Cabinet Joint), or I am foregoing samples (not recommended by Cabinet Joint).
6. I have completed a line-by-line quote review with my Cabinet Coach to understand my project, or I agree that no such meeting is needed to verify the order.
I agree to the Order Terms & Conditions
1. I understand that most orders will arrive by FedEx Freight or another common freight carrier.
2. It is my responsibility, as the customer, to arrange all deliveries with the shipper. The shipper will contact me to arrange delivery once my order arrives at the local terminal. I understand that storage fees may accrue if I’m unable to accept delivery within 3-5 days of the intial call. Neither Cabinet Joint nor the manufacturer will be held responsible for any such storage or redelivery fees.
3. I understand that most orders include lift gate services where pallets are lowered to ground level, while smaller orders may require unloading by hand. I understand if I request or authorize any other delivery services with the carrier, the fees associated with those services will be my responsibility.
4. I understand that all deliveries are ‘curbside’ which means the driver will get as close to the final delivery location as possible. I understand that potential delivery restrictions need to be disclosed to the shipper during the scheduling call, as not all addresses are serviceable via freight truck.
5. I agree to mark the Delivery Receipt with any suspected pallet shortages and/or shipping damage. In this case, I will communicate the shortage and/or damage to my Cabinet Coach within 24 hours. Regardless of suspected damage – I understand that I should NOT refuse the delivery, as doing so will result in further delays and expenses that will not be the responsibility of Cabinet Joint.
I agree to the Shipping Terms & Conditions
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