Upper Cabinet Assembly with Salice WIND Lift System

Tools and Materials Needed

Dead Blow Hammer, Impact Driver, Tape Measure, Chisel or Flat Head Screwdriver

Screws Needed

8 x 1 ¾ (4×45 / 26mm) Screw with Countersunk Head (Used for Cabinet Box Assembly)

Box Part 1

  1. Lay the end panel on a level surface
  2. TIP: check that all female Lamello P-14 Tenso fasteners are level and centered within their slots
  3. Line up all male Lamello P-14 Tenso fasteners
  4. Snap into place
  5. Check for flush on the front face
  6. Repeat for the top rails

Box Part 2

  1. Place the ¾” back panel into the groove
  2. Keep the rabbeted edge facing out
  3. Set the other side panel on top
  4. TIP: check that all female Lamello P-14 Tenso fasteners are level and centered within their slots
  5. Line up all male Lamello P-14 Tenso fasteners
  6. Snap into place
  7. Check for flush on the front face

Screwing the box together

  1. Fasten the cabinet together with #8 x1¾ (4×45/26mm) Screw with Countersunk Head
  2. Follow the pilot holes around each side panel


  1. The squaring of your cabinet is not a structural component. It is for ease of installation
  2. After your cabinet box is screwed together, it’s time to square the back
  3. The back panel needs to be pulled tight to the TOP and ONE SIDE of your cabinet, ensuring square
  4. With a chisel or flathead screwdriver, shim the gap at the bottom back of the cabinet, and push the back panel tight to the TOP
  5. Similarly, shim the gap on one side of the cabinet, and push back the panel tight to the OTHER SIDE
  6. With the top and one side made tight, this ensures that the back is square
  7. To secure the squared back, screw the TOP and ONE SIDE into place (the back should be shimmed tight against the two sides that are being fastened)
  8. Note: A natural 2mm gap will be visible along the bottom of the back. This is an intentional gap made for varying material thicknesses. There is no need to fasten this end.
  9. Pre-drill 3/4” from the edges, spacing out the pilot holes as you go
  10. Use #8 x1¾ (4×45/26mm) Screw with Countersunk Head


  1. Toenail the back into the cabinet top and side
  2. Use a staple gun with 1-inch staples


  1. Tape the drilling pattern template in place
  2. Mark the pilot hole locations with a center punch
  3. Predrill the pilot holes to the appropriate depth
  4. Fix the plate to the cabinet side
  5. Insert the Salice WIND Lift system
  6. After securing the cups to the door, lock the system into place
  7. Snap the covers into place